Please contact respective chairs or board liaisons to join that committee via the IOIA Membership Directory.
Accreditation: Chair: Pam Sullivan Board Liaison: Kathe Purvis Purpose: To oversee the inspector accreditation program including to review, adjudicate and propose policy and criteria used to accredit inspectors. To formulate accreditation standards and procedures.
Asia Pacific Committee: Chair: Mutsumi Sakuyoshi Board Liaison: Margarito Cal.
Purpose: Give voice to Asia members concerns. For more information about Training Services in the Asia Pacific region, please visit: https://www.IOIA.Asia
Bylaws: Chair: Al Johnson Board Liaison: Justin Hurley
Purpose: Ongoing response to bylaws issues.
Canadian: Chair: Bill Barkley Board Liaison: Janine Gibson
Purpose: Give voice to Canadian members concerns.
Ethics: Chair: Brian Baker Board Liaison: Kathe Purvis
Criteria for membership is past board or alternate service. Purpose: To deal with complaints received by the IOIA office based on the Codes of Ethics and Conduct.
Finance: Chair: Allan Benjamin Board Liaison: Margarito Cal
Purpose: Advise board on fiscal matters, combined with fundraising committee.
Latin American: Philippe Descamps Board Liaison: Margarito Cal
Purpose: Give voice to Latin American members concerns.
Membership: Chair: Terrance Layhew Board Liaison: Joe Ward
Purpose: Develop membership services and numbers.
Nominations: Chair: Terrance Layhew Board Liaison: Joe Ward Purpose: Prepare annual ballot for Board of Directors.
Policy Comment Committee: Chair: Kate Newkirk Facilitator: Rachel Cherry Myers Board Liaison: Margarito Cal
Purpose: Use IOIA Comment Policy and Decision Tree to determine whether IOIA will submit comments on local, state, national or international issues in the organic industry that would impact inspectors and/or the inspection process; or issues outside of the organic industry which impact independent contractors. Draft and/or review comments as needed.
Scholarship: Chair: Arthur Bassett Board Liaison: Rhea Epp Purpose: Ongoing review and selection of scholarship applications.
Training Advisory: Co-Chairs and Board Liaisons: Janine Gibson and Kathe Purvis
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